Fiber is one of the most important nutrients for maintaining a healthy diet, but it's often overlooked in our daily food choices. As a mom-to-be, a new mom, or someone living with PCOS, you know all too well the challenges of managing your nutrition and balancing your hormones. But did you know that eating more fiber could be the secret weapon you've been missing in your health journey? In this post, we'll explore the benefits of a fiber-rich diet and share some delicious and easy ways to add more fiber to your meals.
What are the benefits of a fiber-rich diet?
Fiber-rich diets can promote improved digestion. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements, reducing the risk of constipation and promoting regularity, which can be a common issue during the postpartum period and during pregnancy.
Fiber can help improve blood sugar control. High-fiber foods slow down the absorption of sugar, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent spikes in insulin. This is particularly important for women with gestational diabetes who are trying to control their blood sugars and for individuals with PCOS who are trying to improve their insulin resistance.
Fiber can promote increased satiety. Fiber-rich foods are more filling, which can help you feel full longer and help prevent excessive snacking or overeating at later meals.
Fiber may help to balance your hormones. Fiber has been shown to help regulate hormones by promoting the elimination of excess hormones, like estrogen, from the body. This may help reduce symptoms of hormonal imbalances such as irregular menstruation or heavy menstrual bleeding which is common among individuals with PCOS.
Fiber-rich diets can promote heart health. A diet rich in fiber has been linked to improved cardiovascular health, including a reduction in cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
So now you’re familiar with all the benefits of a fiber-rich diet, but how can you incorporate fiber-rich foods into your meals? Here are a few creative, easy, and tasty ways:
Add beans or lentils to your dishes. Beans and lentils are great additions to pasta dishes, salads, and soups. You can even blend them and use them to thicken soups and add them to sauces if you’re not a fan of the texture.
Snack on fresh fruit and veggies, popcorn, and whole-wheat crackers instead of chips. Pair the veggies and whole-wheat crackers with some hummus for additional fiber.
Add 2 tbsp of chia seeds to smoothies, yogurt, overnight oats, and salad dressings for an additional 8 grams (!) of fiber.
Add fresh or frozen fruit to yogurt, cold cereal, oatmeal, and salads.
Add avocado or guacamole to salads, sandwiches, salad dressings, and whole-grain toast. Half an avocado contains about 6.5 gm (!) of fiber.
Whether you are currently pregnant, postpartum, living with PCOS, or trying to conceive, incorporating a variety of fiber-rich foods into your diet can be beneficial to your healthy journey. Additionally, working with a dietitian can help you develop a personalized nutrition plan that takes into account your specific health needs and goals. If you're looking for more guidance on incorporating fiber into your diet, or if you have any other nutrition-related questions, don't hesitate to reach out.